Food & Nutrition
Food & Nutrition
Subject overview:
In Food and Nutrition we equip students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and be able to apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating, to make decisions about food products. The subject gives the opportunity to engage in practical lessons in order to develop their knowledge, as well as life skills that enable learners to feed themselves and others affordably, now and in later life.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum information:
Food and Nutrition focuses on developing practical cooking skills to ensure students develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, the working characteristics of food ingredients and cooking methods. They learn how to weigh and measure ingredients; prepare their working environment to work safely and hygienically in the food room; develop knife skills to enable them to prepare a range of ingredients; learn to use different equipment, including cooker management and cooking methods. They develop an understanding of the source, seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients. By the end of year 9 students are able to prepare and cook a range of main meal dishes including some sweet products.
Exam board: AQA
Key Stage 4 Curriculum information:
The GCSE curriculum develops the skills learnt at KS3 with practical activities undertaken to develop the theory knowledge.
The subject content is presented under five areas of focus:
- Food, nutrition and health
- Food science
- Food safety
- Food choice
- Food provenance
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is assessed with a written examination and non-exam assessment (NEA), each worth 50% of the total marks. The exam comprises of questions to test knowledge of the five core principles. The NEA is split into two units, the contexts being set by the exam board. In the first, students investigate the working characteristics of ingredients as well as their functional and chemical properties; it includes practical investigations and is submitted as a written report. In the second, students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes that meets the requirements of the set brief; this comprises of a written report and a three hour practical exam. Work will be internally assessed by teachers and externally moderated by AQA.
Related careers:
Food & Nutrition can lead to careers in food science, nutrition, catering, hospitality, food marketing, design and development of food products. Studying Food at GCSE also complements careers in Science, Physical Education and Health and Social Care.
Extra curricular opportunities:
We offer a termly cooking club giving students the opportunity to make food products that are not covered in the curriculum. Cooking competitions occur throughout the year and include ‘Bake Off’ and ‘Masterchef’.