Train to Teach

If you are considering becoming a teacher, you should know that there are multiple ways to start working as a teacher. We can support in a variety of ways here at Ash Manor School.
Choosing a school: At Ash Manor School we have a policy of open doors. If you are interested in getting into teaching, you have the opportunity to enjoy School Experience Program (SEP) day with us.

Is Ash Manor School for you:

School Experience Program (SEP) Days can help you to decide if you want to train to be a teacher and build a relationship with our school. We offer:

Lesson observations

  • See how teachers manage a classroom
  • Speak and get to know teacher for the specific subject that you are interested in
  • Learn more about teacher training
  • Enjoy the lively and vivid atmosphere of our school

If you are considering a School Experience Day with us, we are available every day of the week. If you wish to know more please email Juan Perez at

Selecting a Teacher Training course provider:

By completing your teacher training you will get qualified teacher status (QTS) or QTS with a postgraduate certificate in education, PGCE. Getting a QTS is necessary in most of the schools in England but you do not need a PGCE to teach. Explore the following links to know your options:

Postgraduate teacher training course options

Undergraduate teacher training course options

There are many different course providers that you can train to teach with. Here in Ash Manor School we work with the following providers:

i2i Partnership

Court Moor Partnership

University of Reading

Kingston University

University of Sussex