Welcome to Ash Manor School



I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of Ash Manor School. Ours is a community built around an unshakeable belief that every child deserves the best education and every opportunity to develop their aspirations for the future. It is my privilege to work with you and your child to achieve this.

In every lesson, every day, our exceptional staff strive to ensure our students are making the progress that they are capable of, stretching them to exceed their own limitations and supporting them to achieve their goals. We are always working towards exceptional outcomes for all of our students, across the full ability range.

A Bailey | Headteacher

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Open Evening

Join us for the opportunity to see our school, meet our students and discuss your child’s secondary journey with our staff.


Wednesday 25th September 2024 - 6pm-8pm

Headteacher talks - 6pm and 7pm


Open Days

We warmly welcome families to visit us during the school day to see first hand why we are so proud to be Ash Manor School.

9am - 10am:

30th September 2024

2nd October 2024

3rd October 2024

4th October 2024

1:30pm - 2:30pm:

2nd October 2024

3rd October 2024

4th October 2024

 Email admissions25@ashmanorschool.com to book your visit.