Home Learning

At Ash Manor School we believe home learning is key to supporting our students achieve the highest possible outcomes.  Home learning not only challenges students to develop the skills learnt during school but also develops independent, resilient learners.  With the changing nature of examinations and the focus on ‘deep learning’, home learning is essential for consolidating and developing learning that takes place in the classroom.

We have provided some useful links for you to read at your leisure:

Home Learning matters by Headteacher Guru

Home-supported learning concepts

Supporting the home learning environmentResearch into the Importance of Homework

How much home learning should your child expect to receive per week?

Your child will receive two items of home learning per week from the core departments of English and Maths.  Foundation subjects will set one item per week.  

How do I know what home learning my child has been set?

The school uses a programme called Team Satchel (formerly known as and still often referred to as Show My Homework). It allows parents and pupils access to all home learning set. 

Team Satchel can be accessed via the school website (using the toolbar at the bottom of the page ‘ShowMyHomework’) or via downloadable apps.
The students can access their personalised home learning area by inputting the same login information that they use at school, either through the app or by the website.  Parents can use the email they have registered with the school and by clicking the ‘forgot your password’ button.
Please contact your child’s form tutor if you are having problems viewing the home learning set.

Please see Satchel One Login Guide here

What happens if a child does not complete home learning set?

As we strongly believe that in order for a learner to make good progress, study outside of the classroom is imperative. Detentions are set for students that fail to complete their home learning. Any student who persistently fails to complete their home learning will be placed on to home learning report for this to be monitored and sanctioned accordingly.

What support does the school offer to help my child with home learning?

We offer a Supported Home Learning club where there is supervised help and support from staff as well as access to computers and a quiet learning environment.

In addition to this, the LRC is open each afternoon from 3.00-4.00pm. This also provides a quiet working environment and access to books and computers. 
If you have concerns about your child’s home learning, please contact their form tutor in the first instance.


Click here to visit Team Satchel.