

At Ash Manor School, we believe Music is for all! We aim to develop our students into well-rounded confident musicians with a lifelong passion for music. In years 7 and 8, all students take music and in year 9 students can opt to continue their music studies at GCSE. We have a thriving extracurricular programme and work closely with professional musicians to offer rich and rewarding instrumental tuition, open to all ages and abilities. Students are encouraged to follow their own path in music; we then give them the tools to express their creativity and musical intentions in an engaging and diverse curriculum.

Please click here for the music curriculum overview.
KS3​ – Curriculum information

At key stage 3 we introduce students to the musical elements through three main areas of study, performance, composition and listening. Students are shown how to rehearse and perform to maximise their potential and how to organise their musical ideas into exciting and creative compositions. Students are also exposed to new musical instruments and have the opportunity to play in a variety of ensembles and bands. Students are also given access to soundtrap whilst studying music at Ash Manor School. This is a professional online resource, which allows students compose or record music in and out of the classroom. Study is spread across a large variety of musical styles and genres at KS3 and we encourage students to be critical thinkers as they explore new music. We teach students how to use musical language to communicate their ideas and opinions. These skills are important as they allow students to confidently access the GCSE syllabus.

We encourage students in KS3 to explore the variety of extra-curricular activities offered by the music department including music tours, choir concerts, band performances and recitals.

KS4 – Curriculum information

At KS4 students follow the AQA GCSE syllabus. This course provides a platform for students to deepen their understanding and broaden their skills as musicians. Students are assessed on the three main components studied at KS3.

Component 1: Understanding music
Written exam paper 40% – 1 hour 30 min

Section A: (68 marks)
Unfamiliar listening – students use there listening skills to identify key features and elements within musical examples.

Section B: (28 marks)
Students study two set works. Students are assessed on their knowledge of the musical elements. The pieces for this year are below.
Set work 1: Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A
Set work 2: Paul Simon’s Graceland

  • You can call me Al
  • Diamonds on the Souls of her shoes
  • Graceland

Component 2: Performance
Internally marked and externally moderated – 30%
Performance 1 : Solo (36 marks)
Students work closely with teachers and instrumental tutors to prepare a solo piece
lasting a minimum of 2 mins
Performance 1 : Ensemble (36 marks)
Students work with teachers and peers to prepare an ensemble piece lasting a
minimum of 2 mins

Component 3: Performance
Internally marked and externally moderated – 30%
Composition 1: Brief (36 marks)
Students select a brief as the source of inspiration for a composition. Briefs are
released by AQA in the year of examination.
Composition 2: Free (36 marks)
Students use their skills to compose without a stimulus. Using the skills and
techniques developed over the two-year course. Students will use Soundtrap for all
composition work

Learning a musical instrument
All students have the opportunity to study a musical instrument during their time at
Ash Manor School. We encourage students of all ages and abilities to pick up an
instrument, as we believe music can have a huge impact on all aspects of student
wellbeing, learning, progress and development. Studying a musical instrument or
voice is a pre requisite for the study of Music at GCSE level and beyond. For all
information on instrumental tuition at Ash Manor school please see below.​ 

Music Lessons
Careers in Music

Musician, songwriter, artist, Session musician, sound engineer, producer, sound technician, teacher, music therapist, film music composer, gaming composer, TV composer, arranger, orchestrator conductor, music publicist, artist manager, tour manager, booking agent, mastering engineer, accompanist, choir director, record label owner, concert promotor, copyist (transcriber), DJ, guitar/instrument technician, festival director, sound fx