Potential High Achievers

At Ash Manor School we recognise that every student in our care is unique and bring with them a diverse range of intelligence and abilities. We value academic excellence and believe that the learning of all our students should be personalised. At Ash Manor, we promote a curriculum that reflects the needs of all our students, including those who are Potential High Achievers.

From primary school transitional data, we identify and compile a register of those students achieving at the highest level. This is made available to all members of staff. We look at strategies to ensure we are providing our students with the opportunities they need to develop their gifts or talents within our School.

The provision for Potential High Achievers at Ash Manor School ensures that our high ability students become high achievers.  All students should be motivated by recognition of their strengths in an atmosphere where their educational, social and emotional needs are met. Ash Manor School takes every opportunity to celebrate the successes of our children both within school and in their personal pursuits outside of school hours.

We have high expectations of all our students and we promote high expectations of themselves. We strive to develop students’ abilities to enable them to be independent learners but also give them sufficient support to avoid putting them under unnecessary pressure.