How to Pick Your Options

How to pick Key Stage 4 GCSE Options

Picking subjects that may support your future is crucial to consider, even in Year 10. If there are certain topics you wish to study at A-level, or even at University, some GCSE options may be required. However, there are also certain subjects that only start at A-level and University, which can be overwhelming. Follow the link below to gain more information regarding the importance of picking the right GCSE options for you.

Sometimes, picking GCSE’s can be challenging, especially if you are not sure what you wish to do in the future. The link below provides the top ten tips to consider when choosing your GCSE’s, and explores how they could link to your future career path. Alternatively, there are also video clips with student stories offering further advice.

If you have any further questions, regarding the process of choosing GCSEs, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the school directly through the email address.