
Public Sector Equality Duty

​Ash Manor School in an inclusive community where our actions are underpinned by our core values.  Respect and integrity are at the heart of what we believe and supports us in our mission to ensure that all students reach their full potential and can aspire to achieve anything they set their minds to.

The Equality Duty promotes an inclusive education and improves outcomes for students.   Our commitment to inclusion means that we routinely scrutinise the performance of all key groups in our community and supports our work to relentlessly drive up standards across our school, ensuring that disadvantage is tackled quickly and effectively.

We are proactive in our work, guided by the Equality Act 2010, to eliminate discrimination and to advance equality of opportunity.  This attitude is embedded both within our core values but also within our educational provision with students spending time during lessons, as well as assemblies and Personal Development Days, understanding the importance of equality for all, and the importance of protected characteristics. 

As a large, inclusive school we have students with a wide range of needs and protected characteristics; we are proud of their successes and provide regular opportunities for students to share their experiences and ideas for improvements that would support our learners’ education and experience at school.  Our Senior Student Leadership Team and Student House Representatives have taken a lead on championing student voice and this is a fundamental element of our approach to equality across the school.

Our Equality Policy lays out our commitment and approach to fairness, respect and inclusion for both our students and our staff. 

Equality Policy