School Menu  


Restaurant Menu

Daily Menus


At Innovate, we offer a compelling mix of high quality food choices and are committed to providing a fresh food service in a convenient and fun way. Our menus we create are designed to provide the students with the very best mix of contemporary, global and traditional flavours to enhance our customers dining experience, whilst providing well-balanced menus to help support a healthy lifestyle. 

Food is at the heart of everything we do, below are some of the principles we stick to:

  •  Sourcing responsibly and locally, where possible. Our meat, fresh vegetables and fruit are UK grown and Red Tractor accredited.        
  • Over 95% of the food we serve is prepared from scratch using fresh ingredients…daily sandwiches, main meals, bakery, salad bar to name a few.
  •  Using MSC accredited fish and seafood.
  • Eggs that are free range and RSPCA Assured accredited.
  •  All of our menus and recipes are fully compliant with the Government School Food Standards.

​Our Chef Manager on site or our Area Managers are always happy to listen to you and your ideas so if you want to talk, we’re here to listen. We are proactive with the feedback received and work with students, parents and the school to ensure a bespoke service where possible. Throughout the year we also pop along and visit the student council or any “enthusiastic about food” group to hear their thoughts. If a particular area is raised, we explain how we will take your idea and develop it. So we want to hear from you, about your likes and dislikes and your ideas for the future.

Click here for all allergen information and carbohydrate information  / 01932 411 110

Innovate Student Leaflet