
Students at Ash Manor are expected to displays high standards of behaviour and take increasing responsibility for self-discipline both inside lessons and the wider school community. We are rightly proud of the conduct and behaviour of our students, which is often commented on by visitors to the school. 


High standards of behaviour are expected across every facet of school life and are maintained through a combination of:

  • Clear expectations of staff, students and parents as expressed in the home-school agreement;
  • Clear, consistent and fairly applied consequences for negative behaviours;
  • Reinforcement of expectations in lessons,assemblies and Tutor periods;
  • Promoting respect, courtesy & kindness in all aspects of school life by all members of the school community;
  • Provision of lessons and extra curricular activities that are stimulating, challenging, well prepared and appropriate to all;
  • The school Pastoral System involving Form Tutors, The Inclusion Team and Senior Pastoral staff;
  • Close communication and liaison with parents;
  • Appropriate INSET for teaching and support staff;

Fostering a positive attitude towards school through praise and rewards and attention to the individual progress of each student.  

Staff at Ash Manor are committed to ensuring that students are praised for good progress and effort in their school life through the awarding of praise points. The reward system reinforces positive behaviour and students value the opportunity to earn praise points to help their house win the annual Praise Point Cup.

There are separate celebration assemblies for each house which celebrate the success of students during the academic year. At the end of every term, celebration assemblies bring the whole school together to recognise and share the achievements of students. 

We also recognise exceptional achievement, effort or demonstration of our values at our annual Prize Giving evening. 


Rules governing the behaviour expected of students are clearly laid out for students and parents in the Home School Partnership Agreement and the school’s behaviour policy.
All staff are committed to a “restorative practice” approach to behaviour management In order to support students and to help them develop the resilience and responsibility to manage their behaviour successfully.


It is recognised that a small minority of students may experience difficulty in maintaining the standard of behaviour expected of them. In such circumstances the Inclusion Team will work closely with the School Inclusion Manager, SENCo, outside agencies, Senior Leadership Team and parents to provide the support and discipline necessary for the student to succeed.

Whilst the school actively supports the policy of inclusion, no student will be allowed to consistently and deliberately disrupt the education of others.