Report Your Child Absent

Important Information

Before reporting your child off with an absence, please read this document giving advice on illnesses and the appropriate time off to recover.

Please use Study Bugs to contact Ash Manor School in the event that your child will be absent from school. If you have not yet set up your Study Bugs account, then please use the form below to report your child absence from school. Please note the absence form below will no longer be available from October Half Term. Although Ash Manor understand that it is not always possible to do so, we ask that you notify us at your earliest opportunity of any absence.

We may require to contact you after the form has been submitted, so please supply a contact telephone number so the appropriate member of staff can reach you if need be.

If you would like to speak to someone at Ash Manor School, please telephone on 01252 353 900 and someone from reception will direct your call to a member of staff.

Study Bugs

Please sign in to Study Bugs via the link below to report an absence. If you have not yet set up an account then you can register now via the same link below to report absences.

Absence Form

Please complete all fields marked (*)

